recently aware of your publication. If I had known sooner I would have contributed artistically as well as financially.


Denise, New York


Dear Charles:

As publisher and editor of TRANSVESTIA you are doing a notable work for us more lethargic if not lazy subscribers. If you expect exhaustive and/or continuous disertations on the why and how of transvestism from us readers, you have another think coming. Why, we're not interested in self-ana- lysis--we're interested primarily in what will satisfy our longing, our desires and we want to read what will excite us sensually and emotionally.

This is not disparaging nor belittling your efforts to be objective and candid about transvestism. By no means! It simply means that if you intend to continue along these lines you'll simply have to do it practically alone--which you are probably doing already. True, you'll have contributors, but what they contribute will be news accounts, true or fabrica- ted stories of their own experiences, true or fancied (mostly fancied) tales of others doings which they have fabricated to satisfy their own desires.

Transvestites are not interested in self analysis, nor do they seek an answer as to why they are 80. Many admit that their greatest fear of self-analysis is that upon finding the truth the desire will vanish---and who wants that pleasant and desireable feeling to vanish.


What they will seek through the pages of your TRANSVESTIA Be- new avenues of experiences, fantasies and indulgence. coming satiated by past fantasies, which no longer effect any response, they must seek new ones continually to supply the need to activate their responses. Transvestites are scarcely interested in finding what makes the tick because they have no desire to upset their status quo which they have worked out to their own satisfaction.

It is with the truly young ones that there lies hope, but how are you going to reach them. Scared by social customs and